TERMS: The following are the terms and conditions that we respectively ask you abide by in order to shop at MartianMovement.com. Should you choose not to comply with these terms and conditions for Our Online Store, consequences may ensue, including loss of buying privilege, loss of free promotional offers and an overall encumbrance on any relationship with Martian Movement.

PAYMENT: Martian Movement only accepts orders made via Paypal™ at this time. We are currently working on more methods of payment. However, if you are able to navigate our website signing up for such an account will not be difficult. Paypal™ provides a safe transfer without either party feeling insecurity over their assets.

SHIPPING: Orders within the US are shipped USPS priorty:

USPS priority $6.00 per shirt

Martian Movement will ship all product orders within a 3-5 day, workweek, period. Of course, UPS delivery times vary based upon your location. Please allow at least 12 business days before contacting us. If 12 business days have passed please contact our customer service team at [email protected].

When sending e-mails please provide the following:

Shipping Address
Estimated Date of Purchase
Product Purchased
Your Personal Contact Information

After receiving this information we will immediately contact UPS and gain any and all information from them regarding your order. After attaining a tracking number and status of your package, this information will be brought to your attention through whatever form of communication you see fit.

PRICES: Prices on website do not include shipping and handling. Prices are subject to change at any time without notice.

RETURN POLICY: Martian Movement does not provide any warranties, refunds, or exchanges for purchases made online. However if an error has been made on the part of the Martian Movement we will work with you the best we can to fix any unfortunate mistakes that have occurred.

CONTACT: For Billing/Shipping Questions or Concerns, please contact us at: [email protected] 24/7. Martian Movement LLC, Atlanta, GA 30314